Big Love - One of my favorite shows on HBO. I don't even know why but I'm completely addicted to it and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this one.
Throughout the show along with themes of religious freedom and polygamy - Big Love also introduces the now acting compound Prophet Alby Grant (played by Matt Ross). Alby albeit a total douche, is a closet case homosexual and at times you even feel sorry for the guy.
As the story plays out Alby meets and falls in love with a lawyer charged with auditing him and the compound he runs (clearly it has to be this confusing it's an HBO show). But on this week's episode we gain interesting insight into Alby's lover Dale Tomasson (Ben Koldyke).
The man is troubled - he explains he's gone though electronic shock therapy, 30 years of counseling and numerous other things to reverse his SSA (Same Sex Attraction). In the end, Dale commits suicide, inevitably devastating Alby the douche. In the clip below you'll see a little bit more and probably become addicted yourself if you haven't already:
It's no surprise that the church elders tell him that he's not working hard enough but it is interesting to bring up the supposed involvement of the Mormons and Prop 8 in California. If you haven't already heard about it/seen it there was a movie out at the Sundance Film Festival 8: The Mormon Proposition - that basically illustrated the Mormon push to have Prop 8 reversed.
It's interesting how much supposed power religious figures posses, but no matter how you stage it the stance against homosexuality I believe is always based on fear and fear alone. And lets face it, same sex marriage is spreading across the country whether you like it or not. Why would you ever want to make enemies with a group of people - when instead we could become a viable and important part of your flock. The Mormons messed up on this one. The more you embrace the difference, the more you embrace humanity and therefore God - isn't that how it goes?
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