Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What makes you alive?: Post 13

We've all earned battle scars, some more than others. And after a ridiculously dumb move on the bike trail last weekend, I have some serious visible ones I hope heal soon.  But all joking aside, in the turmoil of economic uncertainty this past year I've been asking myself:

How can I keep positive and more importantly feeling alive?

I've had a life plan since high school and I followed it up to the letter  (please don't think  I'm trying to be arrogant here):

                        Go to college and keep your head down                [check] 
                        Dean's List              [check]
                        Well-known in my chosen program        [check]
                        Great experience for Grad school resume     [check]
                        Get in to your dream grad school          [check]
                        Earn the degree you really want       [check]
                        Get your dream job        [Not so fast there Kiddo!]

My plan skidded in its tracks, and like most of us in our 20s, I found myself fervently trying to rewrite plans I engraved into my personal scroll at age 16.  Failure, layoffs, accumulating student loan bills? This was NOT part of my plan. Ten years later I was not supposed to be commiserating with the puppets on Avenue Q - searching for my purpose. I was supposed to be on my way to building a successful career.

So what now!? Man what a valuable albeit painful lesson I've learned this past year.  If I'd have to give it a name it'd be:
"The year everything you dreaded actually came true"   Ok maybe I'm being a bit dramatic but that's what the past year was for me- and a lot of others too!

So how do you bounce back?  I admit sometimes it's harder than others - but I've found thee key things that make that numbness go away pretty quick.

1.  Don't limit yourself. There's no 9-5 requirement in life, so don't put yourself in a box. Find something that gets you excited and then get the motivation to do it. Sometimes looking forward to coming home to TV can be the biggest depressor out there. 

2. Stop. I'm a huge perpetrator of this but I'm getting better.  When you're overwhelmed, stressed and crippled with whatever- stop, go outside grab a coffee or a book and DEPROGRAM. What ever it is will be there when you get back. And you'll feel better in the long run.

3. Learn to love your surroundings. They may not be perfect but it can always get worse.  Love where you are and find ways to make it better.  Negativity gets you nowhere.

What makes you happy?

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