Friday, February 5, 2010

What's in a name?

I tend to wonder what the point is in defining oneself as gay, straight, trans gender...  I agree that sometimes we need labels - descriptive words to further explain actions.

"I am attracted to women, therefore I am a lesbian"

Fine.  Do it up. But like in my first posting about coming out at work I know that sometimes a name, or label changes the way people see you, look at you, talk to and about you.   I get it, we all do. Finding the courage to come out - explain yourself, it's a good thing I think.

So when I  get an email about Glenn Beck shooting off his mouth AGAIN I have to laugh. Don't get me wrong, I don't catch the guy's show.  I think I should just to see what the heck will come out of his mouth next. But apparently this time he went off about Barack Obama's first name.  What a dumb arguement.

Here's the segment provided by Media Matters.  As you can see it's the main story on their page. But to be fair he usually is - not that he probably doesn't deserve it.

Ok so as a child Barack Obama wanted to fit in and changes his name to Barry.  But he doesn't CHANGE it back.  His name IS Barack.  Deal with it.  It's not like he ran for President as Barry or even John Obama.  We all knew what his name was and he was still elected.  Sorry Beck your candidate just didn't have the votes.

As to whether or not President Obama has terrorist ties or a secret agenda...who knows. Honestly - we don't but we also don't know the true agenda of most people.

And lets face it the Obama Biden logos do look like they're saying Osama bin Laden if you look quickly.  Oh don't tell me you didn't see it too!
It still doesn't mean our President is a terrorist...I don't think.

Anyway the point is Glenn Beck straighten out man (I say  that figuratively). You can be a pundit on TV and radio - do your thing but have a valid argument with something to stand on! Not this bull shit "he changed his name" argument.  I get you lack traditional education, but that's no excuse.

I respect anyone whose opinion or argument has a solid basis even if we completely disagree. I think most people do. But seriously  - this guy?  How does he still have a job?  Thoughts?

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